
By StingRay
Date: 07-04-2006




Jedi Academy Model

Model Name:Kain_Raziel(XIII)
includes: Kain and Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series (Defiance)

Author: StingRay

Email: cleopatra.stingray@gmail.com

All the models are dedicated to Josh(JayVab). You've got the Glow, Bruce Leroy. Master of the SS! ShoNuff!

The Kain model was made for someone a year ago. I made both of them a year ago, but never added the Raziel model. The Kain model was changed before my PC had started having problems, which was a good thing, but I had to reformat, and all the 3d files for this model were deleted. Because, of this, I did not fine tune, and fix all the problems with it. I have no desire to re weight, or refit the model to the skeleton again. I stopped modeling for over a year, and until only recently, started to pick it up again. Its all still a pain in the a** to do. lol I just would rather work on something else, than redo this one.

I have never actually played the Legacy of Kain games myself. I made a shader for Raziel's eyes, so that they glow bright white like in the game. This was done from images I found online. Also, a rear view wasn't easy to come by. Try to remember that before sending emails about how horrible it is. If you don't like it, don't download it. Thanks.

Installation Instructions:
Place the.pk3 file from this zip archive into the LucasArts/StarWarsJediKnightJediAcademy/gamedata/base/ directory, where you installed the game.
I tried to make this file as small as possible.


New Sounds- Yes, I always add gloat, and flourish sounds, as well. (all new sounds for Kain, and Raziel)

Bot Support- Yes

Team Support- Yes

LODs- No

--This model, is not to be modified or skinned without my permission.- -

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